Septic Systems
Give us a call!

Stop worrying about septic troubles!
With our 24-hour emergency service, you can give us a call at (315) 750-9284, we can help.
New septic system installation
We do a wide range of septic related installation jobs, including but not limited to:
- New Septic Tank Installation
- Soil Preparation
- Drywall
- Leach Fields
- Backflow Prevention
- Raised Beds Systems
All of this is done with little to no damage done to your lawn or driveway
New Septic Tank and Leach Field Installation
The process for installing a new septic system and leach field includes:
A percolation test, where water is poured into three “presoaked” test holes of 6-12 inches, and the percolation rate (which is the rate at which the water level in the hole decreases as water is absorbed) is recorded. Following the percolation test, the size of the septic system to be built is determined in part by the “perc. rate” together with the number of bedrooms in a home, or for commercial systems, projected estimates of daily water usage. Other site characteristics that will be evaluated include:
- The size of your property
- The grade (steepness) of your site
- The location of your proposed system relative to surface water and wells
- The availability of suitable land for a leach field
The permit application may include some or all of the following:
- Properly completed application forms
- Results of the site evaluation performed by a licensed professional engineer, sanitarian, or installer
- A plan of the property showing the residence/establishment, driveways, water wells, water lines, on-site sewage facilities, and other permanent improvements
- A floor plan identifying rooms and closets, with dimensions and total (heated) square footage of the residence/establishment
- One or more plans for the proposed design of the septic system (Type of Tank and leach field system)
- A map showing the property location (if it is not in a subdivision)
- Identification of a permanently reserved replacement/secondary leach field area to be used in the event of a system failure
Your local board’s acceptance or modification of permit
Your local Board of Health will review your septic permit application. After reviewing your application they will determine if they will grant approval for construction of the system, this is in accordance with the plans submitted. Often approval will be granted upon modifications to the proposed system designs as deemed necessary. In some cases, the Board of Health may recommend or requite an alternative system in place of a conventional leach field. If modifications to current plans, or a new system entirely are stipulated, you will need to resubmit your application. Modification stipulations could be something like a raised bed or a larger leach field depending on board’s evaluation. When your application is accepted, you will be issued a septic permit, and then you can go ahead with construction of your septic system. That’s when we come in!